PRE Selling VS Ready for Occupancy (RFO), which to choose! Are you having troubled between pre-selling and ready for occupancy (RFO), Don’t know which is best choice for you? We’ll this blog will give you understanding between the words you encounter upon buying a real estate property. Pre-selling is buying a unit in advanced though it’s not readily available. While Ready for Occupancy (RFO) is buying the available actual unit. Getting confused which to choose either a pre-selling or a ready for occupancy (RFO) unit? Well, below are a pros and cons between the two. This will help you decide which to look when buying a unit. Advantages of PRE-SELLING
Disadvantages of PRESELLING
Advantages of Ready for Occupancy (RFO)
Disadvantages of Ready for Occupancy (RFO)
I hope this gives clarity and a helpful advice in buying a real estate property for you. Have a question in your mind; please comment it below or you may request a topic you want by commenting it below. Lastly please share to extend your help to other people. Thank you! By: Eidelvert Duzon